Apr 3, 2023
Goals of This Team
Autonomous driving is an innovative technology that allows vehicles to navigate and perform driving tasks without human intervention. This VIP team is dedicated to the research and development of cutting-edge solutions for autonomous driving. This team will build and design autonomous driving prototyping systems for safety and efficiency.
- CS: DNNs, computer vision, real-time OS, ROS
- ME: robotics, planning, control, CAN bus
- EE: sensing, signal processing, DSRC/C-V2X
- CE: computer architecture, cybersecurity
- Multi-sensor fusion techniques;
- Heterogeneous hardware architecture;
- Digital twin simulation environment;
- Connected and autonomous driving;
- Energy efficient autonomous driving;
- Cybersecurity for connected and autonomous driving vehicle.
Research Areas
Deep neural networks, robot operating system, sensing, perception, planning, control, embedded devices, vehicular communications, heterogeneous accelerator, real-time operating system
Mar 24, 2023
Goals of this Team
ALGORITHMS are an essential component of modern computing and have become increasingly important as the amount of data generated by businesses, governments, and individuals has grown exponentially. This VIP team centers on the study of algorithms, consisting of two threads:
- Programming Contest Thread. Participating in programming contests can have several benefits: improving problem solving skills, enhancing programing skills, providing network opportunities, and enhancing career prospects. This thread serves as a channel for students who are interested in participating programming contest. With the support from the Computer and Information Science Department at UD, team members in this thread will collectively learn programming fundamentals, design contest strategies, participate in mock programming contests, and finally, patriciate in programming contests in the US.
- Research Thread. Algorithm research involves the study of algorithms, their properties, and their applications. The team in this thread will explore research topics in combinatorial optimization and social network analysis, in collaboration with the Computational Data Science Lab at UD (https://udel.edu/~amotong/).
Any major that involves coding and algorithms will fit, including but not limited to
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Data Science
- Mathematics …
- Meeting with students who have passion in programming and algorithms
- Practicing coding interview questions
- Improving algorithm design skills
- Having fun in mock programming contest
- Possibly, winning or placing highly in programming contests…
Research Interests
- Acquiring research experience in computer science
- Solving research-level algorithmic problems
- Implementing complex algorithms and contributing open-source project
- Publishing research papers
- Receiving summer internship offers from the Computational Data Science Lab at UD.…
Greg Silber, Professor, CIS, silber@udel.edu
Guangmo Tong, Professor, CIS, amotong@udel.edu
Mar 20, 2023
Tools for Terrific Teaching
Research Issues
How do we create/evaluate/revise automatic feedback? How do we make teaching manageable? How do we make learning to program better/easier/funner? How do we predict/support students’ performance using learning analytics? How do we reduce racial/gender/financial/etc. inequality in the world?
Fall 2022: View potential ideas.
Research Areas
Digital Education, Automatic Feedback, Programming Languages, Human-Computer Interaction, Educational Games, Computer Science Education
Majors Preparation and Interests
Computer Science Educational Technology Instructional Design Game Studies
Key Elements
Educational software and APIs. Tools for LMSes. Educational games. Learning analytics and Data Science. Instructional Design.
Measurably improve learning. Increase student engagement. Make professors jobs easier. Improve the world.
Austin Cory Bart, PhD Computer Science, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, acbart@udel.edu